ESE Lightning Arrester

ESE Lightning Arrester Product

ESE Lightning Arrester Product Details

The key purpose of using the ESE lightning arrester is to become the fast conductive point of discharge for the lightning bolt & ground current safely. The ESE lightning arrester can cover a larger radius compared to a traditional lightning arrester. As per NFC 17-102, the AT for an ESE Lightning Arrester should be at least 10μs. At Axis Electrical Components, we have a range of products from the AT of 10μs to 60μs.
ESE Lightning Protection System Early Stereamer Emission Air Terminal
Operating Principal of ESE Lightning Arrestor

Active Lightning Rods are based on Early Streamer Emission (ESE) Principle.
The theory of operation of ESE LA is to create upward propagating streamer earlier than conventional air terminals, thereby offering larger zones of protection. There is no use of battery or any external power supply.

Designed on 304L stainless steel material reliable performance in all weather conditions.
The time difference AT is the ESE advantage. called” early emission” microseconds) AT €0 usec.
Suitable for use with variety of down conductors either insulated cable, strip/tape etc.
Standard that governs these devices are NFC 17 102 2011) Sept. and UNE 21 186 2011

ESE Lighning Arrester
ESE Lighning Arrester
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